Thursday, February 15, 2007

Kenya moves up FIFA rankings

Despite being out in the cold thanks to a FIFA ban, the Kenya national team moved up in FIFA rankings from 129 to 127th in the world. However, we still lie behind Uganda(102) and Tanzania(109). Read full story here.

Did you know that KFF referees won't be hired by the Nyamira Secondary Schools' Sports Association to officiate this year's ball games? They'll train games' teachers instead. Why? Because previously, KFF referees instigated fights between competing teams by poor officiating.


Bhalla saab said...

hi Valedon,
Mind exchanging links with a fellow blogger? I'm hosted at Do visit my blog and let me know if you are interested.

Valedon said...

sure I'm interested

Bhalla saab said...

thanks, valedon. thanks more for all the encouraging words about my blog than the link! i've put up your link too. but there seems to be some problem with the link to my blog. can you please correct it to point to Thanks again.
and btw i dont really follow soccer..but kenyan cricket, yes. and steve tikolo is my favorite player.

Valedon said...

Thank you. I've updated your link. Sorry about that.